
Welcome to the Break-Up Academy

Your 8-week roadmap to choosing yourself and getting over your ex — without the

You feel gutted from your last heartbreak…

Is this you right now?

You invested so much of yourself into this relationship. You tried really hard to make it work. You might have even thought they were the one.

And now, you’re alone in bed, staring at your phone, torn between texting them or downloading the apps again…


Healing is hard… But not healing is a potential disaster.

I know because I spent over a decade consuming myself with work, obsessing over my appearance, and numbing with binge drinking instead of facing my repressed emotions.

It felt easier at the time, but avoiding healing only led to heartbreak and wasted time.

Here’s the truth: choosing to heal means confronting temporary discomfort to avoid long-term suffering.

It’s easy to avoid looking in the mirror and reflecting on our relationships. It can bring up feelings of regret, grief, and even trauma.

This course will help you through that journey, so you can finally reclaim your life and become a secure, healthy version of yourself.

A peek inside the Break-Up Academy:

Process repressed emotions through intentional, guided emotional release practices.

Module 2: Release the Past

Acceptance and understanding, emotional regulation, how to reconnect with your intuition, and how to cultivate safety in your relationships.

Module 1: Choose Yourself

What you’ll learn: 

What you’ll learn:

'nuff said - sign me up

Grounded in yourself, empowered with self-trust, and emotionally balanced.

How you’ll feel:

Lighter. You’ve finally let go of the heavy emotions that have been dimming your light and keeping you stuck.

How you’ll feel:

Meditations for separations, how to practice forgiveness, and how to let go.

Module 4: Forgiveness for Freedom

Understand your attachment style, recognize your dating patterns, and how to apply attachment theory to your life.

Module 3: Applied Attachment Theory

What you’ll learn: 

What you’ll learn:

Ready to leave unhealthy relationship dynamics in the dust.

How you’ll feel:

Free (finally!) from the weight of past-relationship baggage and ready to attract the love you’ve been dreaming of.

How you’ll feel:

Get intentional about what you want and learn how to show up in your dating life with an abundance mindset and clear standards.

Module 5: The Life Upgrade

What you’ll learn: 

Filled with hope and newfound clarity on what you truly deserve.

How you’ll feel:

Plus these bonuses:

  • Bonus training: The Healthy Dating Reset: How to Master Early Stages of Dating So You Can Attract a Secure Relationship That Lasts
  • Podcast Vault: Supportive Podcast Episodes Organized for You
  • Bonus access: Private Facebook group to meet other BUA members!

i'm ready to heal

Some truth bombs

✔️ Only you have the power to create your own happiness
✔️ Setting strong boundaries and standards won't push people away
✔️ Your past relationships don't have to define your future ones
✔️ Love can't fill a void

It’s up to you to start the change. But we can help you through it.

Join the Break-up academy

If you’re feeling like this right now:

💔 Lost and lonely, wondering what went wrong
💔 Struggling with self-worth and negative thoughts
💔 Emotionally overwhelmed
💔 Constantly dwelling on the past, thinking of your ex

The Break-Up Academy will help you:

💕 Let go of the weight of past relationships
💕 Develop confidence and love for yourself
💕 Discover what makes you feel your best
💕 Find inner peace

This is what i need

Is there community support?

How much time do I need to devote to this course each week?

What do I do if I’m ready for customized 1:1 support?

The trainings inside Break-Up Academy are based on years of research and clinical experience. If you show up and do the work, it has the potential to save you from months (or years) of heartbreak. Plus, our clients are raving about the bonus training, “The Dating Reset.” We’ve often heard that bonus training is worth the investment itself.

Is this course worth the investment?

Is this course worth the investment?

If you know you want 1:1 coaching, I highly recommend you consider joining the Empowered.Secure.Loved Relationship Program. Your investment in Break-Up Academy is applied toward your program tuition, too! It’s a no-brainer next step if you’re wanting to go deeper.

What do I do if I’m ready for customized 1:1 support?

Is there community support?

How much time do I need to devote to this course each week?

What do I do if I’m ready for customized 1:1 support?

Is this course worth the investment?

On average, we find our clients get great results with 1-2 hours of focused work. Keep in mind that you have lifetime access to the course so you can go at your own pace.

How much time do I need to devote to this course each week?

Is there community support?

How much time do I need to devote to this course each week?

What do I do if I’m ready for customized 1:1 support?

Is this course worth the investment?

Yes! We have a private online community for Break-Up Academy members only! This is a great space to ask questions and get the support you need as you navigate the course.

Is there community support?

Is there community support?

How much time do I need to devote to this course each week?

What do I do if I’m ready for customized 1:1 support?

Is this course worth the investment?

What if you start your healing journey — and finally attract the person that’s meant for you?

What if this time around, you try something different?

Join the break-up academy


There are three things you should never force:

Learn More

Learn how to effortlessly attract secure relationships with the Empowered.Secure.Loved Relationship Program. This 8-week, personalized-to-you coaching program will help you ditch the toxic dating cycle and step confidently into your secure-love era.

It’ll teach you how to finally attract a relationship with a loving, healthy partner who encourages you to be fully you.

Good hair days, skinny jeans, and good relationships.